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St. Paul Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

The costs and consequences of a spinal cord injury can be devastating. When you suffer a spinal cord injury because someone else is careless, you need to be compensated. Our St. Paul spinal cord injury lawyers are ready to help you fight to get every cent you deserve.
Milavetz Law Team
Headshot of Alan Milavetz

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Alan Scott Milavetz


Did you recently sustain a spinal cord injury in St. Paul, Minnesota? Contact the experienced legal team at Milavetz Law P.A. for immediate assistance. You could be entitled to compensation for your medical treatment, loss of income, and emotional distress. Our top-rated St. Paul back injury lawyers can help you fight to get maximum damages from those responsible.

Since 1963, we have dedicated our time to helping spinal cord injury victims tell their stories and demand justice, winning tens of millions of dollars for our clients in the process. Our award-winning Minnesota trial attorneys invest decades of experience into every client’s case and work tirelessly to help them move forward. Our results speak for themselves, and our clients agree.

Don’t underestimate the importance of your spinal cord injury case. Put yourself in the best position to win by calling our St. Paul law office. Your first consultation is free, so contact us to get started today.

What is a spinal cord injury?

The spinal cord is a long bundle of nerves and tissue that runs from the base of the skull to the tailbone. It is housed by several small bones, known as vertebrae, which stabilize and protect it from trauma. The spinal cord relays messages from the brain to the rest of the body and is divided into four regions, beginning at the top:

  • Cervical
  • Thoracic
  • Lumbar
  • Sacral

Any time the spinal cord is damaged, the body’s ability to function is compromised. This is known as a spinal cord injury. The severity of a spinal cord injury depends on the location of the damage. The higher up the spinal cord the damage occurs, the more catastrophic the resulting injury.

Once the spinal cord is damaged, communication hits a wall. The brain can only relay signals up to the point of the injury. So, if you suffer a cervical spinal cord injury, the rest of the spinal cord generally can’t send signals between the brain and the body. Even if the lower part of the spinal cord is undamaged, the damage above it disrupts its function.

How Our St. Paul Personal Injury Lawyers Can Help if You’ve Suffered Trauma to the Spine

When your brain and body can’t communicate (or can’t communicate properly), the consequences can be devastating. If your spinal cord injury occurred because of someone else’s negligence, you shouldn’t bear the burden of your recovery alone. Those at fault must be held accountable.

At Milavetz Law P.A., our St. Paul personal injury lawyers are here to help you make the most of your fight for compensation. This is your opportunity to demand financial justice and accountability for the catastrophic injury you have suffered, and our team is ready to invest the resources, time, and experience to achieve your best possible outcome.

Take this time and opportunity to focus on recuperating while we:

  • Investigate the accident or incident that caused your spinal cord injury
  • Gather evidence to build and support a successful claim for damages
  • Bring in spinal cord injury experts, medical professionals, accident reconstructionists, vocational rehabilitation specialists, and other experts for guidance
  • Defend against allegations that you are at fault or share blame for your spine injury
  • Negotiate settlement terms that fully reflect what your spinal cord injury case is worth
  • Prepare to bring your case to trial, if necessary

Our spinal cord injury attorneys in St. Paul are here to be your fiercest advocates. Let us help you get through this incredibly difficult time. We are here to answer your call and provide the guidance you need 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact us to set up your free consultation today.

What causes spinal cord injuries in St. Paul?

Spinal cord injuries can occur whenever the body is subjected to extreme force or unexpected trauma. At Milavetz Law P.A, we represent clients who have suffered spinal cord injuries from:

Contact us if you experienced a traumatic accident or sustained a spinal cord or brain injury because of another person’s wrongful actions. Our St. Paul spine injury attorneys are here to listen to your story, explain your legal options, and help you determine how to move forward.

What are the potential complications of a spinal cord injury?

Complications resulting from a spinal cord injury will depend on:

  • Whether the injury is complete or incomplete
  • The level of the spinal cord injury

Complete spinal cord injuries will have more serious complications than incomplete spinal cord injuries. Injuries higher up the spine also tend to be more devastating. However, every case is different.

Depending on the severity of your spinal cord injury, potential complications can include:

  • Loss of sensation or feeling in the extremities
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Inability to regulate blood pressure, body temperature, or respiration
  • Paraplegia (paralysis of the trunk and legs)
  • Quadriplegia (paralysis of the arms, trunk, and legs)
  • Secondary immunodeficiency
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Autonomic dysreflexia
  • Spasticity
  • Neuropathic joint arthropathy
  • Syringomyelia

Given the seriousness of these complications, it is no surprise that the costs of a spinal cord injury can be quite high. According to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, the average lifetime cost of a spinal cord injury resulting in loss of motor function can range from $1.21 million to $5.16 million, depending on the victim’s age and injury.

Don’t underestimate the seriousness of your spinal cord injury or the impact that a financial award can have on your life for years to come. Call Milavetz Law P.A., and ask our back injury attorneys in St. Paul for help today.

How is liability determined in a spinal cord injury case?

Liability for your spinal cord injury will depend on how and why you got hurt. There are typically three causes of action: negligence, strict liability, or intentionally harmful actions.


Negligence means that you sustained a spinal cord injury because another person failed to act reasonably under the circumstances. In a negligence action, you will have to prove:

  • The defendant owed you a duty of care (e.g., to drive carefully and follow St. Paul traffic laws)
  • The defendant breached this duty of care (e.g., the driver was drunk or texting)
  • The defendant’s actions caused you to get hurt (e.g., the driver ran a red light because they were driving distracted or drunk, causing an accident in which you were injured)
  • You have suffered damages (e.g., medical bills, lost wages)

Most spinal cord injury cases in St. Paul are based on negligence. Anyone who is negligent and contributes to your spine injury can be financially liable for the resulting damages.

Strict Liability

Strict liability typically applies in cases involving defective or dangerous products. If you suffered a spinal cord injury because of a defective product, the company behind it could be on the hook for your damages. In a product liability case, you will have to prove:

  • The company designed, manufactured, or marketed the product
  • You used the product as intended or in a reasonably foreseeable manner
  • The product was defective or the company failed to warn about potential risks
  • The defect caused you to suffer a spinal cord injury

In a strict liability action, the defendant can be responsible for damages regardless of how careful they were.

Intentionally Harmful Actions

You can also pursue compensation for a spinal cord injury if you were the victim of an intentional tort, like assault or battery. You will generally have to prove that the defendant intended to cause you harm and that you have sustained a spinal cord injury as a direct and proximate cause of their actions.

What is a spinal cord injury lawsuit worth in St. Paul?

As a spinal cord injury victim in St. Paul, you can generally file a claim or lawsuit requesting compensatory damages. Compensatory damages include awards for financial costs (economic damages) and money for hard-to-value trauma and suffering (non-economic damages).

Our spine injury lawyers in St. Paul will fight to get you compensation for:

  • Hospitalization
  • Medical expenses
  • Rehabilitation
  • Physical therapy
  • Medical devices and equipment
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Disability
  • Nursing care
  • Funeral costs if a spinal cord injury results in wrongful death
  • Pain and suffering
  • Chronic physical pain
  • Reduced quality of life
  • Depression
  • PTSD

We understand how important financial recovery can be after you have suffered a spinal cord injury. Our legal team will work night and day to ensure you get every cent you deserve.

What is the statute of limitations for spinal cord injury lawsuits in St. Paul, Minnesota?

After an accident in Minnesota, you will have six years to file a spinal cord injury lawsuit. Once the six-year statute of limitations expires, you generally lose the ability to assert your rights and demand compensation.

It is critical to seek prompt legal aid after you sustain a spinal cord injury in St. Paul, Minnesota. You don’t want to watch well-deserved compensation slip away.

Call Our Experienced St. Paul Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers for Help Today

A spinal cord injury has the potential to change your life forever. Don’t let those responsible off the hook for the trauma they have caused. Call Milavetz Law P.A. and ask our St. Paul spinal cord injury lawyers for help.

We will take on the insurance company, at-fault party, and anyone who tries to stand between you and the compensation you deserve. With decades of experience and considerable resources to invest in your case, we strive to achieve top results.

Your first consultation with Milavetz Law is free, and we work on a contingency fee basis. You pay absolutely nothing unless we win your spinal cord injury case. Contact our St. Paul, Minnesota, law office to get started today.

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