Author: Milavetz Law, P.A.
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New street drug makes patients a danger to nurses
Nurses have tough jobs. It’s strenuous work. It’s physically (and often emotionally) exhausting. They’re often stretched far too thin due
Grandparent Rights, a new concern for baby boomers and their grandchildren
As my generation, “the baby boomers” ages, we are proud to see our children marry, and we relish the prospect
Are There Unnecessary Safety Requirements For Self-Driving Cars?
Have we become too reliant on technology? Do we trust the next big thing too quickly? Maybe, says the National
Honolulu Enacts A Law Against Distracted Walking
Yes. You read that right. Honolulu could be the first city of many to take action against distracted walkers –
Get Ready For Winter
Midwestern drivers dread the first weather forecast that includes the phrase “wintery mix.” To those who aren’t in the know,
How Can A Traumatic Brain Injury Be Mild?
Many medical diagnoses and serious injuries can have complex names or counter-intuitive descriptions. People often get confused or misinterpret what
Pedestrians Face Danger On Minnesota Roads
Pedestrian accidents most often lead to catastrophic injuries due to both the violent impact itself and the fact that pedestrians
How Deadly Are Trench Collapses?
While most people understand that construction sites are among the most dangerous work environments, they might not realize where the
Distracted Driving: Tips From The Minnesota DPS
Whether anecdotally, on news reports, in movies or stories told by friends and family, distracted drivers are to be feared
Minnesota Teen Crash Statistics
Across the country, drivers are in danger of getting into often-serious accidents. Numerous factors can increase the likelihood of a