Author: Milavetz Law, P.A.
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Potential Fraud Issue for Veterans
Recently I was notified of a potential fraud regarding veterans. A marketing company, although not identifying themselves as VA, but
Settlement for DePuy ASR Hip Implant Lawsuits
Johnson & Johnson has agreed to pay $2.5 billion to settle the lawsuit of their faulty DePuy ASR hip replacement
Recover your Damage Deposit
What should you do when your landlord fails to return your deposit or fails to send a written statement? Know
Possible DePuy Settlement
The word from news sources, like the New York Times, is that Johnson & Johnson is considering a settlement proposal
Multidistrict Litigation
Ever wonder what Multidistrict Litigation was? This post will take you through the basics of what an MDL is, who
Back-To-School Safety Tips
The dog days of summer are wrapping up. Most of our Minnesota families have taken their vacations. The State Fair
Should I Sign a Reaffirmation Agreement?
Many of our clients at Milavetz, Gallop & Milavetz are unsure as to whether or not they should sign a
What To Do When You Hit Your Insurance Limits
The Minneapolis Star Tribune printed an article on Tuesday, August 13, 2013 titled “Brain injury patient Ellie Cizek fights for
Insurance Claim Do’s and Don’ts
When you need to make an auto insurance claim, you should proceed with care. Your actions may have a significant
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists
When a driver refuses or is unable to carry proper motor vehicle insurance, that driver puts more than just him