Author: Milavetz Law, P.A.
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Maneuvering Roundabouts
MnDOT Raising Awareness on Roundabouts You may have noticed an increase in roundabouts being constructed, If you haven’t found one
February 11, 2013
Preventing Highway Merging Accidents
MnDOT Raising Awareness of the Zipper Merge Technique for Lane Closures How many of us were taught to merge as
February 6, 2013
Yellow Left-Turn Traffic Signals
MnDOT Raising Awareness of Flashing Yellow Arrow Traffic SignalsWe all want safer roads. MnDOT is implementing new techniques to provide
October 17, 2012
The New Diverging Diamond Interchanges
MnDOT Raising Awareness on Diverging Diamond Interchanges (DDI) MnDOT has begun construction of a DDI at the Elk Run Interchange
August 16, 2012